The new official Puteri 11 RA website is :

Please update your bookmarks.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sued for Defamation

This website is sued by a certain party for having distributed or published an electronic messages that has hurt the person's reputation.

From now onwards, this website will have comments disabled.

For any inquiries or comments, please email to our chairman :


Dear Resident,

This is important for all of you to be aware that our blog is NOT the official site of the RA.

Therefore from the legal point of view, you will be held personally responsible
for what you post if the content is hurting anyone's good name, goodwill and professional integrity and thus damanging his/hers reputation.

Alice Choo

Monday, April 1, 2013

Problem Of Our Security Access System

Dear resident,

I call for your patience and to use the Visitor lane for the time being as there is a some unforseen techinical problem with the barrier arms.

As The Technician was away for Cheng Beng last week, hence can only come tomorrow to verify the condition.

I therefore be most obliged if we can have your understandings and patience in squeezing and utilising the Visitor Lane.

Thanking you.


Meeting With P12 Re Access Road

The meeting will be convened on Thursday, 11.4.13 at 7.00pm at JKP Zone 16 cabin in the presence of the following persons:

  1. 3 representatives from each RA 11 and RA 12;
  2. YBhg Dato Samson RA 8 Advisor to keep the peace and to advise us;
  3. Chik Chan Chee, RA 9 Chairman and my Vice Chairman of JKP Zone 16
Please attend the mediation in the spirit of an amenable attitude. Please come along with a constructive possible proposals/ plans for all to consider. There must be a 'win-win' situation with no one party having a upper hand agansit the other.

Observe our common motto : TOWARDS COMMUNITY BONDING

Thank you for your cooperation.
Cr Chang Kim Loong AMN
Ahli Majlis MPSJ
selaku Pengerusi JKP Zon 16