We had an ad hoc Committee meeting this morning attended by committee members Chiam, Mrs Lee, Loke and Lian. Also at the meeting were Kai Seng and Seow. The following matters were discussed and agreed upon.
To schedule formal committee meetings in middle January 2010 and another in early April 2010 just before the Annual General Meeting which must be held by 30 April 2010. Venues and dates to be confirmed. By COMMITTEE.
To produce banner to be installed near the guardhouse to inform residents of our official website www.puchongputeri11.blogspot.com By LOKE.
The official letter from ROS, registration certificate, rules and regulations, Committee names, positions and contact numbers will be uploaded onto the website. By KAI SENG and CHIAM.
To start recruiting membership and collect fees which will be for calendar year 2010.
To print membership forms, letterheads, official receipts and produce an official stamp. To consult Edward Skading of Puteri 12. By LOKE and LIAN.
Membership forms to be distributed to all the houses in Puteri 11. By COMMITTEE.
To inform IOI, MPSJ and Bandar Puteri police of our RA officially registered. By CHIAM and MAHENDRA.
Auditors and Trustees:
Their appointment will be decided by members at AGM.
Puteri 12 Year End Carnival:
Puteri 12 RA invited four of our Committee members to attend their year end countdown carnival as honourable guests. Please let me know if you can attend. Will check with them on whether our Puteri 11 residents can participate together. By CHIAM and MAHENDRA.
Also discussed were issues on security guard services, road humps, condominium development and illegal parkings. No urgent actions to be taken at this stage.
With regards to future meetings, would appreciate each one of you to inform me which day and what time is the most convenient for you. We want to see maximum attendance at our meetings as your presence is very important to ensure the success of our RA.
Thanks and best regards,
Chiam Tun Cheng
PS - Please feel free to add on/comment on the above.

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