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Friday, November 19, 2010

Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting of the Bandar Puteri 11, Residents Association held at Bandar Puteri 11 Playground on Sunday 30 October 2010 at 5:00 p.m.

The Secretary confirmed that the number of members present had met the quorum set for the meeting.

The Chairman began the meeting by thanking the members for their present and support to the Residents Association.

The Chairman then proceeded to read the Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting issued on 13 October 2010 and explained the requirement of getting the members approval to incur any expenses above RM 5,000.00 as specified in the Rules and Regulations of the Association.

The Chairman then went on to explain about the setting up of the Guarded Neighbourhood community in Puteri 11 and invited the members to share their views.

The members then voted for the resolution which states that approval is given to the Bandar Puteri 11 Residents Association Management Committee to engage a registered Security Company to provide security guard services in Bandar Puteri 11 under the Guarded Neighbourhood guideline and to make payment of the security fees estimated at around RM 15,000 per month effective from December 2010.

There being no other matter the meeting ended at 6:30 p.m.

Chiam Tun Cheng

Mahendra A/L Ragupathy

Date: 18 November 2010


  1. Hello Mr Chiam, What is the possibility IOI donate the piece of land beside puteri 11 (proposed high-rise condominium) for primary Chinese school , like what they do at puchong Jaya few yr back, and what is your opinion? Thank you

  2. Unless we can come up with some solid arguments to back up our request and get the support of Bandar Puteri residents and the relevant politicians, I think it is unlikely IOI will entertain our request for the school.

    Perhaps you can do a preliminary study into this and let us know if you see there is a possibility.


  3. Hi Mr Chiam and Fellow RA commitee:-

    As you know, I have been putting in suggestions and complaints to MPSJ on the speeding vehicles in Puteri 11/1A, as well as to ask them to install Speed Humps/Speed Breakers. I know as well you have highlighted this issue to our MPSJ concillor.

    I received a letter yesterday from MPSJ stating that "semakan di tapak mendapati lokasi cadangan tersebut tidak memenuhi kriteria yang telah detetapkan oleh Majlis seperti tiada kawasan taman permainan awam, sekolah/tadika dan rumah ibadat. Walaubagaimanapun, permohonan akan dipertimbangkan sekiranya mendapat persetujuan sebanyak 50% dari penduduk setempat"

    This was their exact respose, which I find ridiculous, does the road has to be near a playgound, school or place of worship to have speed humps/speed breakers, than how do you control speeding vehicles.

    Also how in the world did Puteri 12 managed to install so many speed humps in their area, I dont see the above criteria met.

    How can we go about this, do we write a petition to Majlis from the RA and rest of the residents, or a signature drive?

    Thank you.

  4. Dear Axl,

    Thank you for sharing the letter from MPSJ which basically explain their standard evaluation criteria and procedure concerning
    request for installing road humps.

    I think MPSJ should look at our request on a justified case basis. I will contact MPSJ and our Councillor to get clarifications on this issue.

    In the meantime, we can meet up this weekend to discuss the petition and signature campaign. I will share with you the Puteri 12 road humps story.



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