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Friday, February 4, 2011

Complaint about Fireworks

Dear All,

It is the first day of Chinese New Year. While everyone is either enjoying the holidays or celebrating the festive season, I would like to urge all residence in the neighbourhood to refrain from setting off fireworks along the streets. Not only that this is fire hazard and illegal, it also cause damages to properties of others.

This happens to my cars, including my brand new one that has not even gone for first service. The debris of fireworks set off by my neighbour next two doors had caused many incurable marks on the bonnet and chrome areas of my car grill. The marks are apparent even after a few washes. Attached are some of the pictures that I have taken.

I will not be hesitating to call the police should there be another round of fireworks being set off again near the houses.

Thank you.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Resident,

    It is great to have fire crackers around to boom the ambiance of the festivity, but no doubt SAFETY is still the top priority.

    In view of not jeopardizing anybody assets, I suggest you to lit the firecracker at a certain distant away from your premises, to avoid any unforeseen accident or scenario.

    I thank you for your co-operation and kind consideration too.



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